wtorek, 12 sierpnia 2014

Aquaponics as a Hobby

Are you looking for a way to keep your children busy and make them more responsible or you are a senior trying to find a profitable activity that will not require too much effort? Are you always on the run and you can never get to the market to buy fresh veggies for your meals? Then why not start an aquaponic garden? It is suitable for all the persons listed above and for many more. In fact, everyone will find this activity enjoyable and rewarding.

For children

This is the perfect way to make your children responsible. They will need to feed the fish each and every day and make sure that the air pump is working perfectly so that the fish get enough oxygen. Also, they will have to monitor the state of the vegetables and when they get yellowish they need to announce you. These are not easy tasks, but will give them a sense of responsibility and will know that someone relies on them. Also, they will be able to see how fish and plants grow, which will expand their knowledge about the vegetal and animal world.

Aquaponics 4 You

For working adults

Vegetables are essential for a good nutrition, yet you can not always find fresh, organic veggies in the market. With an aquaponic garden in your house you will have fish and veggies for your family without depending on the market. Also, you will save some money without investing too much of your precious time. 

For retired seniors

When retirement comes, many people seek activities which do not require too much effort. Aquaponic gardening will keep you occupied for a while, yet without getting over your entire day. In addition to that it will spare them of going to the market to buy veggies, it will help them save some money and at the same time will not require them too much effort. 
If they place the system at their waist level they will not need to bend or stretch, which will make this activity far more pleasant. 
No matter what age group you are a part of, aquaponics can prove to be rewarding for you. Give it a try and you will never want to live without this system!

piątek, 1 sierpnia 2014

Wielki Dzień Pszczół

8 sierpnia 2014, odbędzie kolejny „Wielki Dzień Pszczół”.
Organizatorem i sponsorem akcji jest producent oleju kujawskiego w ramach akcji „Z Kujawskim Pomagamy Pszczołom”.

Celem akcji „Z Kujawskim Pomagamy Pszczołom” jest popularyzacja w społeczeństwie wiedzy o pszczołach i promocja pozytywnych działań związanych z ochroną przyrody, w szczególności ochrony pszczół, których znaczenie dla człowieka i środowiska naturalnego jest ogromne.

O pszczołach pisałem już wcześniej na blogu w tym miejscu: http://eko-dziennik.blogspot.com/2013/09/zmniejsza-sie-populacja-pszczo.html

Akcja prowadzona jest już przez kilka lat, pierwsza akcja miała miejsce w 2011 roku.

W tym roku organizatorzy zaprosili do świętowania ogrody botaniczne, parki narodowe i krajobrazowe oraz inne placówki przyrodnicze, wszystkie, które chcą 8 sierpnia zaznaczyć jak ważną i pożyteczną rolę w całym ekosystemie pełnią owady pszczołowate i jak my możemy im stworzyć przyjazne warunki życia.